European encounter

Sauna, silence and curiosity

Libraries, education, Jean Sibelius or wood, rocks, architecture or … The conversation on April 15, 2024 with the director of the Finnish Institute Berlin, Mikko Fritze, and his assistant and program manager literature, Ms. Suvi Wartiovaara, offered many suggestions about a country that “everyone likes, but many hardly know anything about”.

Sauna, silence and curiosity Mehr

Greek danses in Marzahn

Exhibition opening: As part of the European project on climate change and ecological issues, an exhibition on facets of energy, water, waste and transport was opened on 26.10.23. It had been developed by colleagues from weltgewandt e.V. and from partner organisations in Bulgaria, Greece and

Greek danses in Marzahn Mehr

Financial Literacy

Working meeting from 8-10 October 2023 in Vilnius / Lithuania. Colleagues from Denmark, Norway, Poland, Lithuania and weltgewandt e.V. presented the results of their work on the educational materials for discussion. They were also asked what is meant by “general financial education” – after two

Financial Literacy Mehr

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