weltgewandt. organises gatherings to promote dialogue, seminars and workshops; and in so doing, we make use of a wide range of methods.
In addition, the staff members compile studies and educational material for the ‘research and development’ of the educational work itself.
Our perception of learning is one of ‘self-education’ as a two-fold approach: absorbing and appropriating knowledge, as well as being a process in which the results acquired may be created. Educating oneself is thus also a reference to what people make of themselves and their lives, and the way in which they organise them. This does not occur in isolation, but as an interaction with the world – or rather, various society’s “worlds“, their reflection and the manner in which one reacts to them.
Similar to ‘personality education’, ‘world education’ has a creative aspect: contributing the way towards the world is formed.
weltgewandt opens up possibilities to correlate these dimensions. We draw up concepts, organise and provide seminars, tutorials, ‘Future Workshops’, ‘Open Space’, ‘World Café’ and other types of events. We work with a wide range of methodical approaches:
- biographical work,
- exercises and games to develop expression via body language,
- statue, newspaper and forum theatre in the tradition of Augusto Boal,
- sociodrama,
- role play,
- word play,
- creative writing,
- exercises in communication,
- collage workshop,
- excursions with on-the-spot conversations,
- others.
Research and development
weltgewandt. acquires knowledge and develops inspirations for an appealing transfer of knowledge. We provide studies and educational material. The subject areas we favour are economic and political education, diversity and integration, democracy and human rights. Our contributions seek to give impulses to enable people finding their bearings in a complex and crisis-ridden world, and to pursue questions on the “Great Transformation” to an ecologically and socially sustainable, economic framework.
In Germany, economic and political education are capable of improvement. For this reason, weltgewandt coordinated the Erasmus+ cooperation “Mind-opening to Economy. Creative Approaches to Economic Literacy”. As one project’s result, we developed teaching material on “FUTURE 4.0. Digitalisation of Economy and Society”. See on the project’s webpage.
The Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (‘Federal Agency for Civic Education’) has set another example by publishing “Ökonomie und Gesellschaft” (‘Economy and Society’) which may be downloaded (in German).