Development and internationalisation of socio-political education in the district
weltgewandt can enable its female staff to expand their competences in other European countries through so-called job shadowings. These are learning stays during which the participants get to know the work of other organisations and can expand their repertoire of methods. During the usually four-week stays, they observe, exchange ideas with colleagues on site – and contribute their own knowledge and experience. A “win-win situation” and learning pleasure for all.
The focus of the participants from weltgewandt is on getting to know didactic approaches that make it easier for adults to learn the German language. Similarly, the aim is to gain experience in free theatre work and biographical theatre and, linked to this, methods for strengthening self-expression and communication. The aim is to get ideas that make it easier to build bridges between people of different languages (in several senses), attitudes and convictions in the district. weltgewandt e.V. aims to link socio-political education with social and cultural work. The training courses make it possible to be inspired by others. In most cases, ideas for further educational projects – on a European as well as on a local level – emerge from such cooperation.
weltgewandt e.V. has received Erasmus+ accreditation 2021-2027 for this project. The working and learning stays are funded by this programme of the European Union.