In times of several simultaneous crises and economic uncertainty, it is of elementary interest to be financially independent. This applies once more to people who have migrated and need to find their place in a new society. This refers also to women from Eastern Europe. They are the main target group of the two-year cooperation between organisations from Lithuania, Poland, Denmark, Norway and Germany.
Educational materials are being developed that make it easier for them to keep track of their finances using digital tools, while at the same time taking data protection and data security into account and investing their assets, if they have them, sensibly. This is especially important if they plan to start a business.
Similarly, the networking of emigrants from Eastern Europe in Western and Northern European countries is promoted to support their economic advancement. This also includes the acquisition and transfer of digital and business/financial skills.
The developed materials will be tested by the colleagues of the project group before publication.
For more information, please visit the project website.
Partner organisations
NGO Versli mama, Vilnius / Lithuania (Coordinator)
We Are Entrepreneurs, Køge / Denmark
Prios Kompetanse, Steinkjer / Norway
WSEI university, Lublin / Poland