The weltgewandt (“open to the world”) Institute for Intercultural Civic Education invites you to discover the worlds on your doorstep, close surrounding and far away – and to benefit from them. weltgewandt has education to offer. Not in the sense of schooling, but rather as a stimulus for independent thought. And not as ‘classical’ teaching either, as is often the case in school, but by means of creative methods. Adequate information is nevertheless ensured. The focus of attention will be placed on multiple perspectives and discussion, empowerment and the stimulation of contact as well as encounter. Subject areas that are given preferential treatment are: the economy and social issues, diversity and integration, and the culture of remembrance.
weltgewandt’s activities address people of all social and cultural backgrounds. We would like to encourage the release of creative energy and the discovery of a sense of self-efficacy, whilst advocating democracy, fairness, freedom, tolerance and human rights.
Our projects are financed by the European Union, a private foundation, donations of citizens and by the Federal State of Berlin.
What is it we have to offer? Was does “education” mean, what should it mean? Let us introduce you to our range of activities, our understanding of ‘education’, and to our team.