Limits to digitalisation

Artificial intelligence and the work of the future: The room was well filled with 45 participants when publicist and theatre director Fabian Scheidler presented his theses on AI. He argued for a demythologisation and for taking the ecological damage caused by AI into account. The

Limits to digitalisation Mehr

European Dialogue in Málaga

Thirty young adults from Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, Serbia and Spain exchanged views on nationalism, the economic and political ideas of right-wing parties, democracy, the rule of law and a culture of dialogue in Europe in Málaga / Spain from 01.-09.12.2023. Assiel and Mariami report

European Dialogue in Málaga Mehr

The Democratic Museum

Job shadowing at the Folklore Museum and the Weltmuseum Wien. For four weeks, Ulrike Schuhose was able to deepen her knowledge and methods of cultural mediation. How can citizens’ interest in visiting museums be aroused? What should museums change so that people see them as

The Democratic Museum Mehr

Let’s go to Málaga / Spain

Workshop “European Intercultural Dialogue” from 1.-10.12.2023 in Málaga / Spain. 30 people from Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Germany, Serbia and Spain exchange views on nationalism and minorities, democracy and tolerance. The costs will be covered. weltgewandt awards four places. Get in touch with us! Young people

Let’s go to Málaga / Spain Mehr

Energy and democracy

weltgewandt e.V. organised a transnational encounter with 14 learners and educators from Bulgaria, Greece and Italy from 25-28 October 2023. The topic was individual and societal dimensions of energy and access to resources. The programme was diverse; it enabled learning at authentic places in Berlin.

Energy and democracy Mehr

Greek danses in Marzahn

Exhibition opening: As part of the European project on climate change and ecological issues, an exhibition on facets of energy, water, waste and transport was opened on 26.10.23. It had been developed by colleagues from weltgewandt e.V. and from partner organisations in Bulgaria, Greece and

Greek danses in Marzahn Mehr

Financial Literacy

Working meeting from 8-10 October 2023 in Vilnius / Lithuania. Colleagues from Denmark, Norway, Poland, Lithuania and weltgewandt e.V. presented the results of their work on the educational materials for discussion. They were also asked what is meant by “general financial education” – after two

Financial Literacy Mehr

Talents come alive

What can I? What do I want – professionally? These questions were the leitmotif for a series of seminars in a shelter for refugees in Wandlitz. A team of two trainers and a translator (Arabic, Persian) applied parts of the Talent Compass with residents. The

Talents come alive Mehr

Fancy name for internship

Job shadowing at a language school in Rome / Italy – which is much more than that. Alisa J. from weltgewandt trained for four weeks in methods of language learning at the Associazione di promozione sociale Asinitas Aps (“Association for the Social Advancement of Asinitas”).

Fancy name for internship Mehr

Exploring the world in Wandlitz

Tongue twisters and political education in the forest: excursion, picnic and conversation | They could hardly be more different: the graduate oceanographer, the former chief physician of a hospital, the worker, those without educational qualifications, the social worker and others: Together, the project participants made

Exploring the world in Wandlitz Mehr

New Perspectives on Money

How can you keep track of your income and expenses as easily as possible? Will prices continue to rise? Will there only be digital money? What does this mean for democracy and the influence of citizens on the economy? What is money? International workshop on

New Perspectives on Money Mehr

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