Platform “Moving Memories”

The history of Europe is as diverse as the continent – full of upheavals, destruction and new beginnings. The events continue to have an impact in various ways today and influence the way citizens see themselves as part of their society. Change and transformation are also the guiding themes of courses on the “Moving Memories” learning platform. They were developed by adult educators from Germany, Finland, Greece, Poland, Serbia and Spain.

The individual contributions discuss upheavals on the basis of different themes: the 1990s in Poland with a view to women’s lives, the “transition” in Spain in the 1970-1980s and terrorism at that time, the wars in Yugoslavia in the 1990s and how theatre can be used to talk about them, the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the conflicts between the two countries in 1912-1923, the changes that the arrival of new inhabitants can trigger in a society using the example of the immigration of Finns from Karelia to Finland from 1945 onwards – and many more.

The historical events and developments are “told”, but not “retold” (if this should be possible at all). Rather, the question of how they have an impact today and are discussed in the present is taken into account. This also includes mentioning what is sometimes concealed in the public debate.

Knowing the history – of another person, of another country – opens the door to understanding. It sensitises people to what is important to others and what can influence their thoughts, feelings and actions. It also encourages people to think beyond the ‘edge of their own nose’ and into European dimensions.

The courses are aimed at interested citizens and adult education stakeholders throughout Europe. They contain a short version for a quick introduction to the topic, background information and didactic suggestions for adult educators.

Have fun discovering! You are welcome to share questions, comments and feedback via the forum and chat on the learning platform.

You can find information about the cooperation on the project website.

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