Gender democracy in times of polarisation

Gender (in)justice is once again being discussed in the context of current upheavals and crises. Remarkable constellations can be identified. Efforts directed against women’s equality as well as anti-feminist statements – from more conservative and right-wing sides. In practice, however, in many places. Activities against anti-feminism by actors who consider themselves “left-wing”. And clearly articulated reservations about “gender ideology” from the right and the left, with different justifications. The question is: Where are the women? How do they view social divisions? Especially those who do not get involved in politics because they have little or no learning to assert their point of view publicly? After all, inequalities persist – the gender pay gap, too few women in management positions in companies, infrastructure at care facilities and so on.

In the cooperation “Power. Peace. Poetry. Women’s Perspectives on Society’s Divisions“, colleagues from Estonia, Poland, Ireland, France and Germany are working on these and other questions. Their focus was/is on the empowerment of women, with whom they work as trainers in their organizations. To this end, they tested tried-and-tested methods together and were able to further their education in this way. Her focus was on two topics: 1. the invisibility of women’s commitment and achievements, and 2. their exclusion and discrimination. The result is method descriptions, an online gallery and a padlet on public spaces, a video, stories and much more. The result is also a handout on anti-feminism, feminism and the paradoxes of neoliberalism, as well as exercises to strengthen women’s expressiveness and creative potential. The methods are published on the project website, as is the handout.

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