Just transition to a new world?

What is well-being? What is needed for that? How is economic growth and well-being related? Is it possible: well-being for all and a new, sustainable economy? And since so often economic growth in the form of “faster, higher, further” and the best possible increase in money is criticised, it is unclear HOW we could actually arrive at a different, environmentally friendly way of running an economy. What ideas are there for a just transition? Does the use of artificial intelligence stand in the way of this transition or does it promote it? What does artificial intelligence mean? How does it change the world of work? In which society’s context is this technical revolution embedded? What are the main characteristics of surveillance capitalism (Shoshana Zuboff)? How did the world of work change after the Corona crisis? In all this, what does it mean to (re)start one’s own professional life? What are my values, my own roots, strengths and powers? Where do I come from, where do I want to go? And how can adult educators accompany people in finding their own way? What are the different possibilities of “career guidance”?

The perspectives of adult educators from Ireland, Spain, from Ireland, Spain, the Czech Republic, Austria, Poland and Germany came together to discuss these questions during a workshop in Vienna from 13th to 16th June 2023. They had developed courses for a learning platform and gave each other feedback. In addition, they applied together some of the exercises for educational work on these topics.

The workshop took place within the framework of the project on Resilient Work. The emerging learning platform complements the existing one on Economic Literacy.

„We never have enough time. All was super useful.“ „The meeting fullfilled its mission. I got a lot from you. It was a perfect working atmosphere with smart and empathetic people.“ „The exchange is the best part of the project.“

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